Crossing Over
A few weeks ago the Lord gave a word out of Joshua 3. As I listen to the word playing around me I feel something jump inside off me. I remember the word He gave me a few years ago, as I prepare myself to go on a mission trip (2009) “consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you” v.5. I remember the word He spoke to my heart and today He is bringing the word back to my heart, but in a different way. “You would know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.” v4
The Lord was instructing Joshua in want to do next. He in return was telling the priest what was required of them to do: And the officers went around camp given orders to the people. The priest went ahead of them, until the reach the edge of the river, and their feet touched the waters edge. The water from upstream stopped flowing and the water flowing down was completely cut off”
As soon as the priest step in, the waters stopped flowing and they stood in dry ground. I could see the ragging waters all around us. The many voices calling out for your attention. The unrest of people. The division. The anger, the insecurity and all the distractions, confusion, insecurities, fears,pain. God is telling me to step out into the ragging waters around me. To trust him with my whole heart and to move forward. My heart is aches for everything that is taking place around me.
As I sit a church during Good Friday, I rushed on from work so I could attend a service. The worship team is playing, people all around me are talking with the music and the sounds. Some are praying, others are enjoying the service and some of us are interceding for the church body. I see one of the young adults and I am able to see God is doing something in them , not just Elizabeth but all of them. The Lord once again brings the word He gave me days prior. I had come to understand that the word he speak to my heart is not for me but to this he wants me to share. He had me walk to one of the girls. I didn’t want to bother her, she is prostrate in from of God. I don’t want to bother or break the intimate moments she is having with the Lord. I am fighting with my self. until I can’t any longer and I allowed my self to go and lay hands on her and prayed over her. God is raising this young girls to be able to step over the raging waters of society, to take that step in to and to trust Him with their tomorrow. Where they going as a whole not just one of two but all 3. They had to come against what is trying to bring the down, stop them or silence they voices. The have a complete generation to reach.
It has taken me a long while to write this because I want to come out of my way. I don’t want to be just words type in a letter. I take very seriously the words the Lord speaks to my heart. So as I hold on pray and make sure The Lord is the one leading me, not me or what I think I should or said, once again I see this beautiful girls and this time as I prayed I see a glass bottle full of lighting bugs. They all flying around the big glass bottle, going up to the top, just to have a lid on it.
Last night during our intercessory prayer as we sat down and prayed over our young the Lord brought to mind everything he has been speaking to my heart. I pray that this would help you. He has me praying for few of them. God is speaking to our church and He is raising a new wine, new spirit within our wall. I believed is up to us: mature leaders to protect them, guide them and lead them in the way of the Lord. As it as said last night “Discipleship” is needed. Spirituals Mothers, fathers and sisters are needed to help generation to move ahead.
Have a bless day
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