My Walk to Gethsemane
Lent :
The period of 40 days which comes before Easter, beginning on Ash Wednesday. It's a season of reflection and preparation before the celebration. Preparation before something is going to happen.
The place where Jesus came face to face with his human self. “If it is possible to remove this cup from me”. Where He confronted not just His human aspect but the enemy himself.
My walk to my Gethsemane would help me to learn to feed on the world of God. Every day I learn something new about myself. Where I’m learning to acknowledge my faults and short comings. Its where I identify my sins and I wrestle with my emotions and where I’m learning to bring them under control. It's the place where I honor my savior with all that is in me. My Spirit, mind and soul. It's where I’m able to unmask my fears. The place where I’m learning to stand in Him. Possessing the Land in front of me. Its where I’m not just getting to the root of the problem but where in getting to the seed. Where everything originated. It's the place where I give the Lord control over my expectations. Where I’m getting deeper because I’m willing to dig deeper in self, a place where I recognize discouragement and the place I’m learning to believe in myself and the word with is in me.
These are a few of my notes since I asked the Lord what He wanted for me to do for the next 40 days.
2/26-until today
A little inside in to my word.
Enjoy the reading, sorry for me miss spelling..
Love 💕
For the last few years maybe 3 years I have been fasting and praying for 40 days. Staring on 2/26 until Easter Sunday. God has me praying first for me to be able to see me through his eyes; my faults, my short coming , fears and insecurity. The enemy will use those against us, specially during these trail times.
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