Reconcile to God
Our times had become so chaotic that we had allow our mind to think that we have many races. But do we know the real meaning and definition of Race? Yes is related to racial but we, you and me belong to the only race that exists Human Race. “Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man nostrils and the man became a living person “ Gen 2:7
Yet we have allowed society to dictated and to give us their interpretation of it. The word we need to look is ethnicity, definition according to google.
Ethnicity: belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural.
I just noticed something as I am filling up an application ; there is a place we are supposed to mark which one is your race. White, Black , American Indian , Asian/Pacific , Unknown or other. Since when we have allowed this to take place? All my life, until now. Since all this racial discrimination, racial disturbances started, I saw a division within us. Our humanity is at hand. We all belong to the human race. There is not another race but human. We are all the same. You cut me and I bleed just like you. My ethnicity is different from many of yours, I was born in a small island of the Caribbean called Puerto Rico. Which it makes me a Puertorican woman. And yes there is not a place for me to mark , according to them my race. That means I don’t exit? I have no value? I am not black or white. Just a simple girls from the mountains of Puerto Rico , A human being. Yes there is not a place for me to identify myself in this application. Should I picked “other” since when I consider myself other. Never and I’m not going to star now. But wait I breathe and feel just like you.
We have allowed the enemy to run rampant around us, creating chaos every where he goes. We had allowed him to steal our identity and forgotten who we really are: Children’s of God.
We are created as the image of God. Man and woman he created.
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