Come seat with me at Our table
#20 = complete, perfect waiting period
Balance; mind, body, spirit
Peace and tranquillity
It’s a number of move
20 represents Redemption- deliverance from what ever it’s holding you back.
It’s maintain faith and patience as your desires and wishes are being fulfilled.
20 years ago I walk thru the back door of TCPA for what I thought would be 6 months rehabilitation. Little that I know the Lord was going to used that place to changed me, transformed me and make me new.
I pray two powerful prayer that day:
-don’t let me leave this place the way I came in”
-help me from myself.
My job had sent me away on a leave of absence, and I had 6 months to get better and come back. But the Lord had a different plan for me.
Weeks before coming in I had been diagnose with mental illness, schizophrenia, and addiction behavior. I was told I needed to go in to medication and because mental illness was in my family line I was destined to have it too. It’s genetic. It’s in you. But I refused to believe it.
In the mist off all that was taking place around me The Lord showed me where I was going, if I didn’t make a move. Jail, mental institutions or morgue. I refused all. And arrange to come into a place where I could help myself, not just for me but in order to help my kids I needed to get my act together.
I had to give legal rights to my sister over my youngest child. In order to work with me and become who I am today. I had to make a lot off sacrifices. Moved away, leave behind what was familiar.
This year we I am celebrating 20 years off freedom, healing and restoration. It’s hasn’t been easy but it has been worth it.
Today you are witnessing the power of God in my life. He did It for me. He would do it for you. Just give him a try.
We had tried everything why not Jesus?
You are walking the most difficult steps right now. Time has come for you to slow down , look inside and allow God to change you.
It is not a coincidence but a divine appointment from the Lord himself, that you are reading this post.
Today I celebrate you and the work you will allowed God to do in you and thru you.
“The Good of God in Me, Overshadows the Wrong I Had Done” For His glory. For His Honor.
“ Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Ivette Diaz-Yee
#20 #mytestimony #redeem #freedomfromdarkness
Sisters loved by God was birthed a few years ago, it is a place where The Lord has shown me that in order to grow you have to give it away. The joy of The Lord is your strength but it's not just for you, it’s for others. This is a place where I will be sharing what The Lord speaks to my heart. I had tried to run away, to ignore it until now. Every post from here comes from a heart dedicated to The Lord. Joshua 1:14 I am to help my sisters onto The Lord, give them rest as He has done for me.
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