The year our world changed.
Christ.Over.Virus & Infection.Disease
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous
Do not be frightened,
And do not be dismayed
For the Lord your God is
With you whenever you go”
This was the first off many scriptures the Lord gave me when this pandemic started. I was taken out off work 3/20/2020. I was in the process of writing “My personal walk to Gethsemane,coming face to face with self and life in this current world.” Preparation for Passover.
Everything around me was changing. The words that where coming out off the news; Pandemic-an outbreaks affecting an exceptional high proportion of the population
Lockdown- people must stay where they are
Isolation- separated from others.
Well plan strategically, powerful and effective. That my opinion off it. Little by little I whiteness how our states were closing down to prevent the spread off it.
I asked the Lord what I am do to. Saturated your self with my word. Anchor yourself to the scriptures.
Saturated-holding as much water or moisture as can be, absorb; throughly, soaked.
God has been preparing his people for a long time. It is writing on Amos 3:7 “The Lord God will do nothing without reveling his secrets to his servants the prophets”.
He has been talking. But we had been too busy, distracted, overwhelmed, tired, to even pay attention. Until now.
I walked outside and I came face to face with panic, fear, greed. People running around over buying groceries. C’mmm to run out off paper toilet.
Hundreds of people at the supermarkets, I came in to buy some chicken am I find this little old lady confused because she need it a whole chicken in order to make her soups. Scare, alone...talking to herself. I said to her, you be fine sometimes we had to learn different ways to make the same thing, took my time to explain how she could still make her soups without the whole chicken. For one second her fears left her. I walked away knowing in my heart;
The world the way we knew it’s never coming back. But Jesus Chris is.
Hopefully we had learn, prepared and able to recognize the trick of the enemy. We ought to be vigilant and ready. For we are living very darks days. let this be a lesson for all of us to learn.
Ivette Diaz-Yee
March 2020
Sisters loved by God was birthed a few years ago, it is a place where The Lord has shown me that in order to grow you have to give it away. The joy of The Lord is your strength but it's not just for you, it’s for others. This is a place where I will be sharing what The Lord speaks to my heart. I had tried to run away, to ignore it until now. Every post from here comes from a heart dedicated to The Lord. Joshua 1:14 I am to help my sisters onto The Lord, give them rest as He has done for me.
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