He save me when I couldn’t save myself.
He was there with me all along. I was never alone because in my loneliness, my hurts, and my disappointment he was there with me.
“All the days ordained for me were writing in your book before one of them came to be” Psalm 139:16
The enemy knew that. For he was watching. Waiting for the most appropriate time to strike and bring me down. The same day I got baptized in the spirit was the same night my innocence was stolen.
After that, my life was forever changed. I became rude, prideful, and arrogant. Manipulative and a liar. I found solace in drinking and smoking. And yet inside of me, I had this void. This emptiness. I knew that something was wrong but no one took the time to lead me or show me. Until I was found by him. Until I heard the ultimatum. Yale, mental illness or the Morgue.
Because even in my darkest hours He was there to save me. “In my distress, I called to the Lord and he answered me. From the depth of the grave, I called out for help and he listen to my cry. When my life was ebbing away I remember you, Lord and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple.” Jonah 2:2, 7. The Lord didn't wait for me to get better to get clean or get my life in order. His mighty hand reach out and picked me up. He lifted me from the mud and mire
He put a new song in my heart. A new sound in my lips. He held me, and carry me when I couldn't move. He walked beside me at my pace. The Lord didn't rush me. He allowed me to see, to understand that true healing takes time. I didn't get where I had ended up overnight, I have the rest of my life to get well. Spiritual, physical, and mentally.
What I had learned over these years I give out. The Lord save me; for me to save others. “You are to help your brothers (sisters) until the Lord gives them rest, as he has done for you.” Joshua 1:15 What he did in my life he would do it again in yours if you give him a chance.
We have tried everything why not try Jesus?
Ivette Diaz-Yee
Sisters loved by God was birthed a few years ago, it is a place where The Lord has shown me that in order to grow you have to give it away. The joy of The Lord is your strength but it's not just for you, it’s for others. This is a place where I will be sharing what The Lord speaks to my heart. I had tried to run away, to ignore it until now. Every post from here comes from a heart dedicated to The Lord. Joshua 1:14 I am to help my sisters onto The Lord, give them rest as He has done for me.
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