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Showing posts from June, 2023



definition: Power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obeDIEnce. Power to do. “The legal and moral right to exercise power; power that is rightly possessed” (NIV Bible dictionary) Act 1:8 “But you would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witness” At times we give the enemy too much power and credit for our behavior or actions when in reality; our behavior comes from unmet needs, disappointments and hurt. Hurt people hurt people; they can’t see beyond their pain and the sad thing is they don’t even recognize it. They blame you and they switch the situations around to make you think it’s your fault. Then the enemy comes and brings guilt and shame to keep us in condemnation. Until we exercised the authority we have in Jesus and confront the shadows and exposed the mirage around us, we are not going to change positions. We have authority in us to tell the flesh to come unto submission. We have authority to tell the enemy take yo...


definition: having no expectation of good or success, despair, feeling hopeless and alone. Suicide is selfish for only thinking of self, it focuses on the past. Highlights the mistakes made. The regrets. The what ifs of life. Compares ours now with others around us. It makes us think it’s the easy way out. It's the way we try to put an end to a life lived in agony, despair, shame, and guilt. It plays with our minds and makes them seem that is the only way. The pain we carry is so heavy, it has taken our will to live. We are tired of trying. Over and over we enter the hamster wheel to end up in the same place. How do we get here? We ask, over and over. We rationalize the lies we had believed. “It will be better without me, one less problem for the family. Life for them will be better if I am out of the way”. Those were the words I heard that night, as I looked into the mirror and I saw death looking right back at me. Whispering to take the blade and cut my veins. Shame...

I see the absence of your presence

My lionesses thinking of you and missing you. I didn’t know I was going to miss you as much as I do, but I guess I was lying to myself. Life is not fare, but we had learn to walk the ups and down of it and live in the many times we Share the laughter and cry together. The memories we created together and the healing of that took place in our hearts. Deep inside I thought I’ll be seeing you around. But it never happen. Then I started to notice your absence. And then reality hit. She is gone. Her car not longer park in her space. Then I ask The Lord why do I miss her so much and He spoke this words in to my heart “ You see the absence of her presence” what do you mean..??? Flowers unkept, no tea around, wrong emails send, I even found a box with your name on it from the woman’s coffee talk invites. And then the other day I called and your name was still in the recording, and in the directory. This is what the Lord showed me. You brought a lot with your presence...

Father's Heart

My arms are wide open, come my child, I have the answer your heart is seeking for; I have the balm that heals the sick soul:I have the word that give life to dead bones, I have the power, no power can defeat. Your heart is whole,your mind is strong, your prayer is like a wisper of a trustworthy heart that is certain her creator is love. Know without a doubt your are my child. Know without a doubt I am your God. You know I am your Father and your my child; So dare to belive what can't be seen, dare to proclaim my promises, dare to share my love. Ruth G 6/19/23

The Compass

Isaiah 30:21 “whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, this is the way; walk in it “ COMPASS- an instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of a magnetic north. Today as I sit and ponder at what’s going on around me I get to see glimpses of a storm raging around us. It has lasted so long. Everything is dark. Fogs as blinded our vision. The winds of incentives pushes us towards the wall. Loosing grasp and footing I try to move forward. But I can’t. I feel my body given up; I am getting tire, I feel my body loosing hope. I don’t have the strength I need to move forward, but I also know I can’t stay stocked where I am. I hear many voices. Every one has a voice, something to say, something to add. Distractions has move us away from our path. And yet in the mist of the storm I hear a voice telling me what to do. It comes from deep inside my souls. Letting me know that I have the tools needed. “Find your ...


—Past events connected with someone or something —Events of the past; specially events relating to you —Narrative of past event. Remembering and bringing to mind the many times God had brought you thru. Knowing in your heart that if He did it before He would do it again. For nothing is impossible for God. I heard someone said once “when you shared your story (testimony) with others it allows God to do the same thing again and again. So when you are going thru, bring in to remembrance the history you have with God. Know your story tell your story. “They overcame him by the blood of the lamp and by THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY” Rev. 12:11 Our words have power. For it is written “life and death are in the power of the tongue” Prov 18:21. If we stay silent, we have already allowed the enemy to take ground. History shows a picture of what it was, it leaves a marker for others to follow. Bring hope to the hopeless. So today as the days opens up, let used our words, and share you...

Place Call Home

I still remember the words my husband said as we drove around a late Sunday afternoon. “Do you trust God?” His tone was scary and firm, I knew something was going to happen and changed our lives for ever. I said “If He is allowed to happen, He would see us through”. Was what I said, holding my breath and expecting his answer. The landlord is selling the house. We have 30-60 days to moved out. I stood silence for what it seems a long time. For the last few months I had asked if he was going to take advantage of the market and sell his property.  We had been there for 12 years. No it was his answer, every time I asked. We had pushed ourselves to paid off my new car. Since I had been driving ugly Betty a 27 year old Oldsmobile. Which literally was breaking on me. We only had one month to paid it off. My husband had always wanted a Tacoma truck so before we make the purchase, once again I had gone to landlord and asked “are you selling” No you would be he 1st to know. We went and purchase...