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definition: Power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obeDIEnce. Power to do. “The legal and moral right to exercise power; power that is rightly possessed” (NIV Bible dictionary) Act 1:8 “But you would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witness” At times we give the enemy too much power and credit for our behavior or actions when in reality; our behavior comes from unmet needs, disappointments and hurt. Hurt people hurt people; they can’t see beyond their pain and the sad thing is they don’t even recognize it. They blame you and they switch the situations around to make you think it’s your fault. Then the enemy comes and brings guilt and shame to keep us in condemnation. Until we exercised the authority we have in Jesus and confront the shadows and exposed the mirage around us, we are not going to change positions. We have authority in us to tell the flesh to come unto submission. We have authority to tell the enemy take your hands off my family. We have the authority that comes from God to said. Enough!!!! As we get ready to move forward in what this new season may bring in our life. Remember who you are and who lives in you. For greater is He who is in me, The Holy Spirit lives in you. We have that power the day we walked away from the darkness and into the light of Jesus Chris. The day we accepted him into our hearts. Learn to walk in the authority you have from God. Don't allow the enemy to rob you or to try to keep you in a comfortable position. Remember who you are; a daughter of the king. Let's do this ToGetHer. Here we go into finishing strong. December 2021 Ivette Diaz-Yee


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