The Lord has me praying since 1:00 am this morning. In the mist off all. In and out of my sleep the Lord still speaks. He gave me a vision or dream in which I saw a beautiful engagement ring, I saw a bride sitting down but her dress was dirty, then I saw around me many people in wedding dresses, different styles but what I notice was that some off then where wrinkle or stains.
What is going on I ask...?
I’m coming for my bride the church not the building, some off you guys had to battle a lot of obstacles to be here, I don’t look at the outer appearance, but I The Lord look at the heart.
Your heart is ready, you had push hard. We are not longer dating, but our relationship had change. Today we are engaged. My ring in your fingers mean that Im taking you seriously and the I’m coming for you.
God has been waiting for so long for this type of relationship from his bride the church. This time, which has been force upon to us let us appreciate and do what He has requested of us. Seek him and you would find him when you seek him with all your heart.
Cry out to him. Prayer change things and circumstances. It’s going to get ugly before it gets better.
But at the end we would see the blessings of the Lord in the land of the living.
We had been fighting an invincible enemy BUT we serve an invencible God. Don’t let the word distract us. Let us keep fighting in prayer. Push.!!Pray Until Something Happen.
What the enemy try for wrong The Lord is changing it around. ..!! Pray all day, pray constantly, and have a song in your heart.
In Jesus name
Ivette Diaz-Yee
#18 of 40 days of prayer “my personal walk to Gethsemane “
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, - Philippians 3:20
Sisters loved by God was birthed a few years ago, it is a place where The Lord has shown me that in order to grow you have to give it away. The joy of The Lord is your strength but it's not just for you, it’s for others. This is a place where I will be sharing what The Lord speaks to my heart. I had tried to run away, to ignore it until now. Every post from here comes from a heart dedicated to The Lord. Joshua 1:14 I am to help my sisters onto The Lord, give them rest as He has done for me.
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