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Showing posts from September, 2023


Carriers of His Glory

The Lord requested one of the most humble, small animals to enter into town. A donkey, use to carry heavy loads. Short on statue, was used, called upon and set apart to bring Jesus in. Celebration, music, shouting, laugh, and happiness as he enters in. The little donkey sees himself as he walk in the middle of the road, head held high. Not because of him, but because of the one he carries. Could you imagine when this donkey was return to the stables; his happiness and delight to be used as a carrier off His glory. Today The Lord calls us donkeys, for we are carriers off His glory here on earth. So no matter where you go today remember who is in you. Who you represent. No matter where we go today remember that God himself is in you, so don’t take for granted your small steps or humble beginnings and remember who you carry within you. For greater is he that is in you that he that’s in the world. Take your 1st step and enter in, for we are carriers of His Glory. Amen Ivette Diaz-Y...

Wrestle With God

Gen 32:22-29 “So Jacob was left alone and wrestled with him” We all know the story of Jacob. How he wrong his brother, stole his blessings. How he had to run away and star a new life. (Gen 27:1-44)He was a deceitful man, a liar, a manipulative a cheater. And yet in spite off all that. He was blessed and favor by God. Time has come and “The Lord said to Jacob , go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives and I will be with you.” Gen 31:3 Jacob does everything conceivable to ensure a peaceful reunion with his brother. He send messengers down with gifts. Trying to dissipate his brothers anger. Trying to buy his approval. He was distracted by the past and had forgotten what had taken place in his life. He came in with a plan B mentality. Not willing to completely trust God. His brother responded by sending 400 men’s. The message translation explain like this “Jacob gets scare, very scare , panicked “ Again Jacob took matters in to his hands. Not knowing this was his ti...

Stepped Out

In this times of so much chaos, competition and rivalry. As children’s of God we need to discern the times and the place where we are. The mundane(typically) behavior of the world around us, will continually try to bring us deeper unto self and despaired. The word of God tell us to “come from among them, Not to conform, have nothing to do with it. Set ourselves apart”. Warning after warning and exhortation are given to us. And yet in the mist of uncertainty, fear grasp our heart and minds and let us to concentrate in the “what if”. Robbing us of tomorrow’s victories. Some of us play a good talk and good game. We know the lingo, until we are confronted with situations that leave us uneasy, doubt fog out perspective and fear settles in. It feels natural, for it hides itself in flesh. As my pastor said once “we build cases in the clouds” we start to rationalize and instead of looking with the eyes of the spirit. Flesh comes in and we believed their lies. We accept as reality, we alig...


To grow toward a dangerous level Extremely anger Burning up Scorching Boiling or scorching up will eliminate bacteria in raw milk, and the water starts to evaporate, and another component begins to separate, effectively eliminating all microbiology, good and bad. The fat separates and forms a layer on top. The water below boils and vaporizes to form steam, but is trapped by the layer of fat above. This was the way I reacted the other day. I could feel myself getting hot and uncomfortable. The heat was coming out of me. I felt myself getting hot until it became like “boiling up” I took a step backward and asked the Lord; to show me what was going on? To give me revelation and understanding, for I really wanted to see what had and was taking place within me. God wasn’t removing a behavior. He was exposing the behavior, that is rooted in fear. That whispers “I won’t make what I need in order to survive” it’s overshadows my trust in God as my provider. It bring mistrust. It wants...