As I sat near the tabulator machine, I was able to see people faces, noticed their attitude, few of them express their discontent, mistrust and frustration.
Victory Over The Enemy, was the word the Lord gave me for the last primary. Today it seems a little difference.
How go are we able to have victory over the enemy?
This is what The Lord gave me as I sat there. I had given my day off to be here. To do my civic duties. If we want change we have to do our part. I am doing mine The Lord would do his. Not the Dunkie or the Elephant, but The Lamb. Your Vote your voice.
- Voicing our right to vote
- Voicing our right over the darkness around us
- Vindicating the wrong that had been taking place around us.
- One more chance to make a change
- Overtaking our rightful position as children’s of God.
- Taking back what has been stolen, taken, or hijack due to our lack of concern.
- Teaching others the value of their vote.
- Telling others to understand and know their voting rights.
- Exercising our rights.
- Empowering your right to vote
- Examining and studying the candidates.
- Electing those who carry your values.
We can expect change if we are not willing to make the change ourselves. The Lord is willing to help us, but we need to be able to roll up our sleeves and get to work. Get out there. Get involved. Be present.
Hopefully this would help you.
Original notes taken from Nov 3, 2022
Ivette Diaz-Yee
Sisters loved by God was birthed a few years ago, it is a place where The Lord has shown me that in order to grow you have to give it away. The joy of The Lord is your strength but it's not just for you, it’s for others. This is a place where I will be sharing what The Lord speaks to my heart. I had tried to run away, to ignore it until now. Every post from here comes from a heart dedicated to The Lord. Joshua 1:14 I am to help my sisters onto The Lord, give them rest as He has done for me.
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